Portfolio Website Overhaul image

Portfolio Website Overhaul

My website has received a complete revision and overhaul of the blog system. Check out this article for more information!

2024-07-29 Auxdible


I've heard you guys!!! My website's been down for awhile now. Sorry about that! I've been working on several improvements in the backend to eventually add to this website. Let's go over them and how I constructed them!

Refreshing the website

You may have noticed that I have updated the website with a cleaner look. It's still the same, memorable Auxdible look and feel, but with a fresh coat of paint, featuring:

  • COOL BUTTONS. I made some neat animations using clip path (polygon) geometry on an absolute object. to make an effect that I'm pretty proud of.
  • A new list of my various certifications!
  • An organized way to view all my skills!
  • A link to my CV!
  • …an update to the secret button ;). you know you know
  • A brand new custom cursor built to interact with elements of the page!
  • Fixes to many bugs that I hated about this site!
  • An update to the blog showcase on the front part of the page!

The masthead for my website!

The masthead of my portfolio website, featuring a new cursor, a cleaner 3D model (rendered using Three.js), and a better looking title bar.

Speaking of the blog

Refreshing the blog

I have refreshed the blog portion of my website as well! You may notice that all blog articles now have an image attached to them. Additionally, I decided to switch from MongoDB to hosting the blogs on AWS S3.

Sad news…

I have removed the ability to comment/react to posts currently. I would love to come up with a better, more original, interactive and entertaining solution

The future of the blog.

I will be posting more of my technological accomplishments, certifications, and life updates on the blog! I may consider uploading more than just coding stuff too… 👀

The blog portion of my website.

The blog portion of my website, revised with a cleaner look.


Auxdibot is still being worked on and is back in full-force for the summer! You can visit Auxdibot's webpage here.


Thank you so much for your continued support of my development career. I hope that this portfolio site serves as a place where you can come to learn more about my work and passion.

👋 Until next time, My icon steven/auxdible